G & W Storage Is Locally Owned & Operated
Trusted As A Great Way to Store!

Step 1
Come take a look at our storage facility and see what size and options fit your storage needs.

Step 2
Choose your storage unit or RV parking space, complete your rental agreement, and pay your security deposit with your first month's rent.

Step 3
Plan your moving day to move your residential items, business items, or RV to G & W Storage.

Storage Unit Sizes & Pricing
$48-$178 Monthly
- 4' x 8' Unit $48 Monthly-Capacity: contents of a closet, dresser, or washer & dryer
- 7' x 9' Unit $62 Monthly-Capacity: contents including some furniture such as a couch, chairs, chest, bed frame, mattress, plus some small boxes
- 7' x 10' Unit $70 Monthly-Capacity: contents including some furniture such as a couch, chairs, chest, bed frame, mattress, plus some small boxes
- 10' x 10' Unit $92 Monthly-Capacity: Furniture from a one/two-bedroom apartment without major appliances plus miscellaneous household goods; shop tools & equipment or small business contents
- 10' x 14' Unit $110 Monthly-Capacity: Furniture from a two-bedroom- apartment or house including major appliances & miscellaneous household goods
- 10' x 20' Unit $125 Monthly-Capacity: Size of a single car garage; furniture, appliances & household goods from a large house; an automible in certain wide access with oil tray on floor
- 10' x 20' Wide Access Unit $130 Monthly-Capacity: Size of a single car garage; furniture, appliances & household goods from a large house; an automobile in certain wide access with oil tray on floor
- 10' x 26' Unit $178 Monthly-Capacity: Contents of a 40 foot moving van or an extensive inventory of large cartons of merchandise. Boat with trailer in certain wide access units.
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$10 OFF Your First Month's Storage
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Additional information:
Roll-Up and Swing Doors are available
Average ceiling height is 11 feet.
All units have easy access.
Refundable security deposit.